Cresti, maresti viteza DSL

O conexiune rapidă la Internet este esenţială pentru utilizatorii de calculator mulţi. În cazul în care computerul porneşte să încetinească, aceasta afectează viteza de conexiune la Internet. Pentru a creşte viteza conexiunii DSL, aveţi nevoie să menţină şi să monitorizeze performanţa computerului. Un alt mod de a stimula viteza dvs. de Internet este de a descărca software-ul terţ cu această funcţionalitate.

Step 1
Click "Start" and then "All Programs." Select "Accessories" and click on "System Tools." Select "Disk Cleanup" from the options. Cleanup all the drives that you have available. When you're done, navigate back to "System Tools" and select "Disk Defragmenter." Defragment the drives available.

Step 2
Open your Internet browser and clear your browsing history. If you are using Internet Explorer, click on "Tools" and then "Internet Options." Choose the "General" tab, click "Clear History" and then "OK." If you are using Mozilla Firefox, select "Tools" and then click "Clear Private Data." Click the "Browsing History" check box and then select "Clear Private Data Now."

Step 3
Update your web browser. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, click the "Help" menu and then "Check for updates." Wait for the "Software Update" window to appear and select "Get the new version" if there is a new version available. If you are using Internet Explorer, click "Tools" and then "Microsoft Update." Download any new available version.

Step 4
Turn off the router or switch hub and connect the computer directly to the modem if you are the only one using the Internet connection. This is applicable for computers in a network.

Step 5
Reboot your computer whenever the Internet connection begins to slow down. Close applications that are not in use. Press "Ctrl + Alt + Del" to load the "Task Manager." Click "Applications" and select the applications that you are not using. Click "End Process."

Step 6
Empty your Recycle Bin and delete unneeded files from "My Documents" and other folders. Delete images, videos and documents that are no longer in use.

Step 7
Download third-party software that will boost your Internet speed. These include Robust Internet Speed Booster and OSS Internet Speed Booster. Run the installer and finish the installation process.


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