border magine poza Photoshop

Cum Fac Photoshop
Cum adăugam linie in afara (frontiera, border) la o imagine în Photoshop ?

Frontierele pe o imagine poate face o mare diferenta si cu Photoshop puteţi adăuga frontierele cu dificultăţi de mic, odată ce aţi învăţa cum să o fac. Urmaţi aceşti paşi pentru a face imaginea dvs. stand de la restul paginii, cu un misto de frontieră Photoshop.

Lucruri de care ai nevoie:
- Adobe Photoshop

1. Start Photoshop and open the image that you want to add a border to.

2. To create a border around the entire picture, open the Select menu and choose Select All. To create a border around a certain section, use the Selection tool in the toolbar and select the area you want.

3. From the Select menu, choose Modify and then Border. In the dialog box, choose the pixel size of your border.

4. Locate the color palette on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on the top square and select a border color from the palette. Click OK.

5. Select Fill from the Edit menu. In the dialog box, choose the options to apply to the border.

6. Click OK to view the border. If the results aren't what you want, select Undo from the Edit menu to remove the fill, then try again.

7. Use the Save As command in the File menu to save the new picture.


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