cum fac Update MSN Messenger 9.0

MSN Messenger este un drum liber utilitate Microsoft pentru chat online. Adesea folosite la domiciliu sau la locul de muncă, Messenger oferă o modalitate pentru ca oamenii să aibă conversaţii prin intermediul internetului. Dacă aveţi deja o versiune mai veche a MSN Messenger, poate doriţi să faceţi upgrade pentru a profita de mai bune opţiuni disponibile în noua versiune. Pentru a finaliza acest upgrade, va trebui să urmaţi câţiva paşi simpli.

Step 1
Access the Internet and navigate to

Step 2
Click the word "Messenger," located at the top left-hand corner of the page. You will be directed to the Windows Live Essentials page.

Step 3
Click "Messenger" on the navigation bar at the top of this page. This will take you to the MSN Messenger page, where you will be able to begin your installation.

Step 4
Choose the language in which you would like to download MSN Messenger from the drop-down menu, located about a third of the way down the page in the left-hand column, by clicking the small black arrow at the right side of the box and then selecting the language.

Step 5
Click the "Download Now" button to the right of the language menu, opening a grey pop-up box that asks, "Do you want to run or save this file?"

Step 6
Click the "Run" button in the grey pop-up box, starting the download and installation. After the program downloads, a white box will appear on your screen, letting you know that the installer is beginning. The box will give you several program choices to install along with Messenger. The boxes are already checked.

Step 7
Click the boxes next to the items that you do not want to install. As you click the boxes, the check mark will be removed. If you want to install only MSN Messenger, remove the check mark from each box.

Step 8
Click "Install" at the bottom of the white installation box. Another prompt might appear in the white installation box, letting you know that any open Internet Explorer windows and MSN Messenger windows must be closed before you can proceed.

Step 9
Click "Continue" on the bottom right corner of the installation box. This will close MSN Messenger and Internet Explorer and will continue the installation. It may take several minutes to complete the installation, depending on the speed of your connection. Soon you will see another prompt, telling you "You're almost done!" and asking if you would like to use Bing! as your search provider, if you would like to set MSN as your homepage and if you would like to "Help Windows Live" by letting Microsoft gather information about your computer and your usage of MSN Messenger.

Step 10
Choose the settings you prefer. If you want to use a different search provider than Bing! and your own homepage, click the boxes to remove the check mark.

Step 11
Click "Continue" at the bottom right of the installation window. The window will then say "Welcome to Windows Live!". If you already had a previous version of MSN Messenger, click Windows Live ID and click "Close." If you don't already have a previous version of Messenger, or if you want a new Windows Live ID, you may click "Sign Up" and choose one. After clicking "Close," MSN Messenger will start up automatically.

Step 12
Enter your Windows Live ID and password.

Step 13
Click "Sign In."


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