Cum schimb parola la Windows XP

Cum schimb parola la Windows XP ?

Vedeţi imaginea la dimensiunea completăTrebuie să aveţi posibilitatea să vă conectaţi pe Windows XP masina ca un administrator înainte de a putea schimba orice parole.

Pentru a schimba parola la Windows XP urmariti urmatorii pasi:
  1. Log onto the computer as an administrator.
  2. Click on Start, then depending on your setup, either click on Control Panel or move the cursor to Settings and then click Control Panel.
  3. Once Control Panel opens, either click or double click User Accounts, once again depending on your setup.
  4. In the User Accounts dialog box, select the user account who's password you want to change and click the Reset Password button.
  5. Type the new password in the Reset Password dialog box and confirm the new password and click OK.
  6. You are done. You can now log onto the computer with the other username and new password.


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