Cum schimb parola la Windows XP
Cum schimb parola la Windows XP ?
Trebuie să aveţi posibilitatea să vă conectaţi pe Windows XP masina ca un administrator înainte de a putea schimba orice parole.
Pentru a schimba parola la Windows XP urmariti urmatorii pasi:
- Log onto the computer as an administrator.
- Click on Start, then depending on your setup, either click on Control Panel or move the cursor to Settings and then click Control Panel.
- Once Control Panel opens, either click or double click User Accounts, once again depending on your setup.
- In the User Accounts dialog box, select the user account who's password you want to change and click the Reset Password button.
- Type the new password in the Reset Password dialog box and confirm the new password and click OK.
- You are done. You can now log onto the computer with the other username and new password.