cati ani are Justin Bieber varsta
Cati ani are Justin Bieber. varsta lui Justin Bieber si data lui de nastere.

Justin Bieber sa nascut in Canada in data de 1 Martie 1994 si repreyinta o generatie noua de cantareti. A inceput sa fie faimos pe la varsta de 12 ani cand si-a postat mai multe clipuri cu el interpretand diferite melodii precum "You and Me" cantata de trupa Lifehouse. Cat despre varsta... va las pe voi sa calculati varsta lui actuala. Momentan nu are nici o prietena asa ca daca sunteti interesate, lasati un comentariu mai jos, cine stie... poate il intereseaza pe pusti sa stie mai multe despre fani lui.

Nu uitati sa trimiteti pagina ceasta prietenilor pe messenger, hi5 sau facebook sa citeasca/scrie si ei.

- Justin Bieber dezbracat!
- ID-ul si Numarul de Telefon al lui Justin Bieber


  1. te iubesc justin bieber esti cel mai faimo
    s si frumoss baiat

    1. Nu justin biberon nu e chiar atat de tare precum cred multe fete ca tine . Acest justin biberom e un simplu baiat razgaiat , care crede ca toata lumea e la picioarele lui.... E o mare ciocolata!!!!!!!

  2. te iubesc si am 15 ani si ma cheama Dana te ador atat de mult si sunt conducatoarea cublului pe care lam facut pentru tine.

    Te iubesc

  3. Hey justin good are the biggest fan of yours know all about you and I would love if you give me an address or phone number. I LOVE YOU JUSTIN

  4. te uby mult mult!!!:*:X:*:X

  5. cu drag, Iuliana!!:*:*:X:X

  6. Oh, My God!
    Sincer, de ce va faceti iluzii in privinta lui Justin? Sa fim realisti! E o vedeta! So.. are pretentii si el. Nu se uita la oricare fata.
    Intr`adevar, e simpatic rau, dar atat. Degeaba sufera unele si chestii de astea :-@. Chiar nu cred ca il impresioneaza. :-j.
    Sweet dreams continue! ;))

  7. I love Justin and if you want to know more about me take my id: Kiss.brunetzikatha and I have one that I expect bya_ochi_misto often get to know each other better placed?

  8. Justin Bieber ... you name it ... I have in mind when I think of him and I can think of the name of a smart guy with some exceptional skills and a golden voice .... I honestly love you Justin but Because he has money or is famous Because every day .... read more about it on the internet and from what I hear is a grade 20 boy ... I love Justin Bieber but brothers paparazzi follow you everywhere .... no man can not eat a sanvici like these pictures and stuff I do .... leave some privacy .. Justin and so do not let others offend you ... do not put in the account are just jealous because ....

  9. stan briana alesandraMarch 22, 2011 at 2:25 AM

    Buna, vreau sa va spun ca : Justin Bieber ,intradevar,este incredibil de frumos, recunosc.Dar,unele fete exagereaza:viseaza cu el noaptea, au multe postere cu el, dar sa nu exageram. Stiu ca unele fete ignora aceste mesaje dar este adevarat. si mie imi place, normalJUSTIN BIEBER dar... Asta e : ar fi un miracol sa va intalniti cu el ,DAR TOTUSI CEI CARE AU INCREDERE IN DUMNEZEU, POATE VPR iutati .. va pup :*:*:*:*:*

  10. stan briana alesandraMarch 22, 2011 at 2:26 AM

    si scz * VOR

  11. JB Hi what can I say about me is that I look like less of you seemed high but yours is black in romania am 13 years now I want to start singing like you and I would like to come in America, but my school concerned need to learn good English if you want to contact me and you get a response!

  12. sunt interesata dar am 10 ani

  13. Justin I love you with all my heart and I would like just once to see you in reality not just on television I am 17 years old and my name but you know, valeria nus opsedat are some who would say the tear is jastin not see Well crikey I can not love you and love you just because you are famous for having taken that you would not want you intalnsc but the distance is too great and I live in romania and I do not mind that I had the same birth date as I attach born mother Nus June 16, 1994 and a wealthy but you know that my feelings are true

  14. are 17 ani si il iubesc mult si eu si verisoara mea

  15. te iubim mult de tot si ai 17 ani!

  16. I love Justin Bieber small I liked are crazy about you and I want to be together I give you my phone number 0746908323 please I rang all my heart can not live without you I love you my guardian charm over everything in life my

  17. Hello Justin my names is Adelaim i love you and you is super for my.
    I 11 years

  18. buna justin te iubesc mult ( I LOVE YOU ) . ESTI CEL MAI FRUMOS BAIAT PE CARE IL CUNOSC AS VREA SA AM ID tau sau macar numarul de telefon .ar fi super daca mai cunoaste . poate am fi fost prieteni si am tot 17 ani ca tine , esti mai mare decat mn cu o luna si 8 zile si imi place ce iti place si tie te iubesc mult

  19. Super . Ador la nebunie.

  20. te iubesc Justin Bieber esti cel mai frumoss baiat din numesc Andreea si am 16 ani

  21. justin vrei sa tentalnesti cu mine am 8 ani si as vrea sa ne intalnim


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